CBT for PTSD in Manchester.

Post traumatic stress disorder is a remarkably common anxiety disorder that is caused by the unhelpful processing of a traumatic event.

For most people after a traumatic event, remembering the event causes them a lot of anxiety, but over time, this fades, and they are able to get back to a normal life.

For reasons that are becoming increasingly well known, for some people, the natural healing process following trauma does not kick in, and it as if the person remains stuck in the trauma, often experiencing unpleasant flash backs during their normal activities.

PTSD can often be complicated with a phobia for the circumstances of the initial trauma, and by ways people self medicate with drink and drugs to help them cope.

It is possible to make a significant improvement in PTSD symptoms with modern techniques, and some people experience a complete removal of symptoms.

If you feel I might be the therapist to help with PTSD, check my availability to see if it’s practical for us to meet.


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Contact me now by email, or ring me on 07940 562001. (Expect an answering machine and I’ll get back to you ASAP).

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