Men’s Counselling, C.B.T. and Psychotherapy.


About Me


I bring a broad range of experience to my work as a therapist.

I graduated in 1991 with a 1st class Psychology degree and the British Psychological Society Division of Occupational Psychology student prize. This was followed in 1993 by an M.Phil. in H.I.V. Counselling and Support, and, in 2002, with a Ph.D. in Counselling Theory and Counselling Practice.  All degrees were awarded by the University of Manchester.
I completed a British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy accredited Diploma in Counselling in 1994, and I have undertaken postgraduate courses in couple counselling and cognitive behavioural therapy. I also hold fitness and nutrition qualifications which may be relevant to the work I do with some clients.

My first Job was as a Lecturer in Psychology at Manchester Metropolitan University where I was also a course leader for a degree programme for a spell.  I started working in private practice as a men’s therapist in 1996.  In addition, I have worked within a variety of organisations including the N.H.S., commercial organisations, the voluntary sector, and N.G.O.’s in therapy, training, supervision, research and management roles. 

I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and abide by its Code of Ethics.  I am a Graduate Member of the British Psychological Society.

In addition to therapy, I read a lot, and am fanatical about physical health and wellbeing.  I take the opportunity to travel as often as I can.







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Are you thinking of hiring a therapist to help you with an issue right now?
Are you unsure how best to proceed?
I offer a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL half hour telephone consultation to discuss your circumstances.
I will offer you professional and impartial advice, with no pressure, and that’s a promise!

Contact me now by email, or ring me on 07940 562001. (Expect an answering machine and I’ll get back to you ASAP).

Check Out My Blog: Men and Mental Health

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A 10 week plan of mindfulness, meditation and CBT to help you wake up from the suffering of stress anxiety and depression.

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